Healthy Aging

Promoting health and preventing disease across the lifespan is the key to staying healthy as we age. That’s why healthy aging is a national priority for ODPHP — and why we support initiatives designed to help all people live longer and stay healthy.

News & Announcements

The Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility Celebrates 20 Years of Uniting Transportation Efforts across the Federal Government

For millions across the country, safe and reliable transportation to healthcare is critical, especially for people with disabilities. Without reliable transportation, older adults regularly miss critical medical appointments. Without a ride to the pharmacy, Americans without cars forgo taking essential medications. To take on these challenges, the federal government has invested in providing transportation and mobility options for older adults facing challenges and is working to synchronize how federal programs can better meet their needs.

Read more about The Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility Celebrates 20 Years of Uniting Transportation Efforts across the Federal Government

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Featured Initiatives

An older couple embraces at home

Healthy Aging Custom List

Healthy People 2030 features a wide variety of objectives that are directly or indirectly related to helping people stay healthy as they age. We've compiled those objectives into a custom list so they're easy for you to reference and track.

Check out the Healthy People 2030 Healthy Aging Custom List.