Goal: Promote health and well-being for women.

Women experience many unique health issues — for example, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. And some health issues that affect both men and women pose unique challenges for women. Healthy People 2030 focuses on addressing these specific needs in order to improve women’s health and safety throughout their lives.
Both pregnancy and childbirth can lead to serious long-term health problems for women. Strategies to decrease unplanned pregnancies and make sure women get high-quality health care before, during, and after pregnancy can help reduce serious health problems and deaths.
Women are also at risk for diseases like breast and cervical cancer. Screening for these diseases and health issues that disproportionately affect women is key to identifying problems and making sure women get the treatment they need.
Objective Status
3 Target met or exceeded
4 Improving
8 Little or no detectable change
9 Getting worse
5 Baseline only
6 Developmental
0 Research