Healthy People 2030 is continuously releasing new data, tools, and resources throughout the decade. Check out our timeline to learn more.
2020 to 2022
Beginning of the decade
- Launched Healthy People 2030
- Released core objectives with 10-year targets
- Released Leading Health Indicators
- Released Overall Health and Well-Being Measures
- Released Healthy People 2020 End of Decade Snapshot
- Launched Healthy People 2030 Champion Program to support partner organizations
- Released Healthy People 2020 Final Review
- Published updated Social Determinants of Health Literature Summaries
2023 to 2027
Throughout the decade
- Conduct ongoing assessment of progress toward achieving national objectives
- Published population data for all core objectives in easy-to-use data charts and tables
- Published disparities data for many core objectives
- Updated the objective search tool so users can sort, filter, or view all objectives in one place
- Created a new webpage to engage Healthy People State and Territorial Coordinators
- Created a set of Leading Health Indicators infographics — innovative visual interpretations of the overall data and select population disparities data
- Facilitate Healthy People 2030 Champion Learning Collaboratives and related capacity-building opportunities for the Healthy People 2030 Champion Program (ongoing)
- Publish updates and additions to evidence-based resources (ongoing)
- Release additional resources to support implementation, including Healthy People in Action posts (ongoing)
- Conduct ongoing assessment of Leading Health Indicators
- Release Midcourse Report to provide a snapshot of progress toward Healthy People 2030 objectives
- Publish at least 2 data points for each core objective
- Publish state-level data for core objectives
- Introduce new objectives to address emerging public health issues (through 2025)
- Begin Healthy People 2040 development (in 2026)
2028 to 2030
Near the end of the decade
- Publish final Healthy People 2030 data
- Begin developing the Healthy People 2030 Final Review report