Increase Medicaid coverage of evidence-based treatment to help people quit using tobacco — TU‑16

Status: Improving


Most Recent Data:
22 States (not including DC) (2023)

51 States (including DC)

Desired Direction:
Increase desired

15 states (not including DC) had comprehensive Medicaid insurance coverage of evidence-based treatment for nicotine dependency in 2018

Increase comprehensive Medicaid insurance coverage of evidence-based treatment for nicotine dependency in states and the District of Columbia

Target-Setting Method
Maintain consistency with national programs, regulations, policies, or laws


Cigarette smoking causes cancer and early death. People on Medicaid are more likely to smoke, and smoking-related diseases are a major driver of Medicaid spending. Comprehensive Medicaid coverage of smoking cessation counseling and medications can help people on Medicaid quit smoking.

Workgroup: Tobacco Use Workgroup