Increase the proportion of tribal public health agencies that use core competencies in continuing education — PHI‑09 Data Methodology and Measurement

About the National Data


Baseline: 32 percent of tribal health organizations had incorporated Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into developing training plans by 2019

Target: 36.7 percent


Number of tribal organizations responding that Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals were used in developing staff training plans.


Number of tribal health organizations responding to this item in the Public Health in Indian Country Capacity Survey (PHICCS).

Target-setting method
Percentage point improvement
Target-setting method details
Percentage point improvement from the baseline using Cohen's h effect size of 0.10.
Target-setting method justification
Trend data were not available for this objective. A percentage point improvement was calculated using Cohen’s h effect size of 0.1. This method was used because the Healthy People 2030 Workgroup Subject Matter Experts viewed this as an ambitious, yet achievable target based on knowledge of workforce development activity in the field and the anticipated challenges in expanding these efforts among tribal health organizations.


Questions used to obtain the national baseline data

(For additional information, please visit the data source page linked above.)

Does your Tribal Organization/Entity use the core competencies for public health professionals developed by the Council on Linkages in any of the following ways? (Select all that apply.)

  • Assessing staff training needs
  • Conducting staff performance evaluations
  • Developing staff training plans
  • Writing position descriptions
  • Other
  • No

Methodology notes

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB), through partnership and support from a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) completed the Public Health in Indian Country Capacity Scan (PHICCS) to describe the current state of public health services as a valuable tool for Indian Country to identify needs and strengths of Tribal public health to measure progress over time, to allocate staff and resources where they are most needed, and to provide data for decision making related to infrastructure, programs, and resources for the system overall.

The PHICCS questionnaire included 129 questions of various types, aimed at collecting information on the overall capacity of the public health system and infrastructure in Indian Country. The questions are themed and categorized according to five key areas: Tribal public health authority, Tribal public health activities, Tribal public health assessment, performance improvement and accreditation activities, Tribal public healh workforce, and Tribal public health priorities and needs.

The Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies) are a consensus set of skills for the broad practice of public health, as defined by the 10 Essential Public Health Services. Developed by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice (Council on Linkages), the Core Competencies reflect foundational skills desirable for professionals engaging in the practice, education, and research of public health. These competencies are organized into eight domains, reflecting skill areas within public health, and three tiers, representing career stages for public health professionals.

Tribal health organizations that responded that they use core competencies for public health professionals in “Developing staff training plans” were counted in the numerator.


Comparable HP2020 objective
Related, which includes objectives that have the same or a similar intent to either a measurable or developmental/archived objective in Healthy People 2020.
Revision History

This objective was recategorized from developmental objective PHI-D01 to a core objective in 2022.