Increase the proportion of homes that have an entrance without steps — DH‑04 Data Methodology and Measurement

About the National Data


Baseline: 51.3 percent of occupied homes and residential buildings had a no-step entrance as a visitable feature in 2017

Target: 53.1 percent

Number of occupied homes and residential buildings that have a no-step entrance.
Number of occupied homes and residential buildings.
Target-setting method
Target-setting method details
Linear trend fitted using ordinary least squares and a projection at the 50 percent prediction interval.
Target-setting method justification
Trend data were evaluated for this objective. Using historical data points, a trend line was fitted using ordinary least squares, and the trend was projected into the next decade. This method was used because three or more comparable data points were available, the projected value was within the range of possible values, and a projection at the 50 percent prediction interval was selected because it reflected a modest improvement over the decade, consistent with the slow, steady improvement observed over the last decade.


Questions used to obtain the national baseline data

(For additional information, please visit the data source page linked above.)

American Housing Survey (AHS), 2017:

NOSTEP entrance accessible without steps or stairs
  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Don't Know
  4. Refused
  5. Blank; Not reported

Methodology notes

The AHS is conducted by the Census Bureau through 12 regional offices using telephone and personal visit interviews. The AHS conducts two surveys: a national survey and a metropolitan survey. The national survey gathers information on housing throughout the country and is in the field in odd-numbered years. The metropolitan survey covers households in seven metropolitan areas. A sample of housing units is selected from the decennial survey. These are updated by a sample of addresses obtained from building permits to include housing units constructed since the sample was selected. The same housing units are resurveyed on a regular basis, recording changes in characteristics, adding and deleting units when applicable. The Bureau staff make personal visits if the housing unit is new to the AHS sample; if the household living in the sampled unit has changed since the previous interview; or if the period between the interviews exceeds several years, which is the case for the metropolitan areas.


Comparable HP2020 objective
Retained, which includes core objectives that are continuing from Healthy People 2020 with no change in measurement.


1. Because Healthy People 2030 objectives have a desired direction (e.g., increase or decrease), the confidence level of a one-sided prediction interval can be used as an indication of how likely a target will be to achieve based on the historical data and fitted trend.