Increase the proportion of adults with diabetes who get a yearly urinary albumin test — D‑05

Status: Improving


Most Recent Data:
52.0 percent (2021)

66.4 percent 1

Desired Direction:
Increase desired

48.4 percent of Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes mellitus had urinary albumin testing in 2016 2

Increase the proportion of adults with diagnosed diabetes who receive an annual urinary albumin test

Target-Setting Method


The goal of screening for high levels of albumin in the urine is to help prevent end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in people with diabetes. Finding high levels of this protein in urine is an effective way to identify early kidney damage caused by diabetes. This can lead to interventions to slow kidney damage or stop it from getting worse.

Workgroup: Diabetes Workgroup

1. Target has been revised. See Data Methodology and Measurement for more information.

2. Baseline has been revised. See Data Methodology and Measurement for more information.