Leading Health Indicators Infographics
Healthy People 2030 includes 23 Leading Health Indicators (LHIs), high-priority objectives that address major public health issues — from obesity to substance use to chronic disease prevention and more. The LHI infographics featured on this page provide engaging visualizations of the overall data, as well as disparities for selected population groups, to help public health professionals understand and interpret the data to optimize public health interventions.
Currently, each LHI infographic focuses on 1 population group — a variety of population groups are featured across LHIs. Additional graphics for other population groups per LHI may be added over time.
To learn more about Healthy People 2030 objectives and see definitions of objective statuses, check out About the Objectives.
Increase the proportion of adults who get screened for colorectal cancer — C‑07
Baseline only
Most recent data: 2023
Increase the proportion of adolescents with depression who get treatment — MHMD‑06
Target met or exceeded
Most recent data: 2023
Increase the proportion of people who get the flu vaccine every year — IID‑09
Little or no detectable change
Most recent data: 2022-23
Increase the proportion of 4th-graders with reading skills at or above the proficient level — AH‑05
Getting worse
Most recent data: 2022
Increase the proportion of adults who do enough aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity — PA‑05
Little or no detectable change
Most recent data: 2022
Reduce the number of days people are exposed to unhealthy air — EH‑01
Little or no detectable change
Most recent data: 2019-21
Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents with obesity — NWS‑04
Little or no detectable change
Most recent data: 2017-20
Reduce consumption of added sugars by people aged 2 years and over — NWS‑10
Little or no detectable change
Most recent data: 2017-20
Reduce the proportion of people aged 21 years and over who engaged in binge drinking in the past month — SU‑10
Little or no detectable change
Most recent data: 2019