Members of the Older Adults (OA) Workgroup have expertise in areas including cognitive health, chronic illness, and injury prevention. They developed the objectives related to the health, function, and quality of life of older adults. The workgroup will provide data to track progress toward achieving these objectives throughout the decade.
Objective Status
0 Target met or exceeded
0 Improving
0 Little or no detectable change
0 Getting worse
7 Baseline only
0 Developmental
0 Research
Older Adults Workgroup Objectives (7)
About the Workgroup
Approach and Rationale
By the year 2060, it’s estimated that the number of older adults age 65 years or older will increase to 94.7 million.1 This trend is projected across racial/ethnic minority populations. Accompanying this rise in the number of older adults will be an increase in age-related health ailments. Recognizing this, the OA Workgroup developed measurable objectives to meet the needs of the growing older adult population.
Core objectives selected by the OA Workgroup aim to reduce the rate of hospital admissions due to diabetes, pneumonia, falls, and urinary tract infections. Additionally, OA objectives aim to boost the proportion of older adults engaging in physical activity and reducing the proportion of older adults who use inappropriate medications.
All Healthy People 2030 core objectives meet several criteria — for example, they have baseline data, a direct impact on health, and an evidence base.
Emerging issues in Older Adults
Emerging issues for this population include:
- Quality-measures of care and monitoring of health conditions
- Person-centered care planning that includes caregivers
- Enhanced data on certain subpopulations of older adults